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    페이지 정보

    작성자 jctwz 작성일22-06-15 21:47 조회21회 댓글0건


    Secretary Kerry on Egypt: “Today’s events are deplorable and they run counter to Egyptian aspirations for peace, inclusion, and genuine democracy... 만한(deplorable) 집단이라고 부를 수 있다"고 말한 게 사단이 났다..... 난, 힐러리가 Deplorable 만 쓴게 아쉽다. 공식석상이라 이것 밖에 못썼겠지.... 그놈의... Worthy of severe condemnation or reproach: a deplorable act of violence. 2. Lamentable; woeful: My finances were in a deplorable state of neglect. 3.... Then Christian asked Mr. Worldly Wiseman how to go the narrow gate easily. Wiseman told him to go Mr. Legality’s house on the high hill. Then... deplorable : 개탄스러운, 한탄스러운 ; 슬픈, 비참한, 측은한 ex. Many of them live under deplorable conditions. 그들 대부분은 비참한 조건 속에서... Deplorable! By Choi, Woo Chang North gang’s cruel cannons opened fire over Yeonpyeong Island on Tuesday afternoon. The bombardment kicked the small... 극락의 지옥색 순환지 ~ Deplorable (Bm조) 절망. 마음속의 문을 부수고, 고독. 자신에... 순환지 ~ Deplorable(Hyper Crossing Piano ver.)] 흠! 펑키 팝 타법은 손가락이 조금 아프긴... 결합] deplorable 뜻 : 개탄스러운 (형용사) 발음 : [di 디 pl??: 플러- r? 뤄 bl 블] "deplorable(개탄스러운)"은 형용사 형태로 "deplore(개탄하다)" + [able... 언급한 '개탄스럽다'(deplorable)는 표현에 트럼프 대통령이 '행운의... 통역이 ‘개탄스럽다’는 단어를 영어로 ‘deplorable’이라고... hold deplorable views and have been incited to anger and sometimes violence.” clare.malone: I mean, yeah, this is the reason why people are able to... how deplorable they are, they sometimes lied about their true electoral... The Deplorable Cheese Doodle (or is he a Cheetoh?) represents a... in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html Russia Vetoes Deplorable SC Resolution on Syriacourse, deplorable. In the case of the national press this is generally... So that’s the first Deplorable march. A supposed anti-hate pride march.... "DEPLORABLE", 개탄스러운 과거, 힐러리 클린턴과 도널드 트럼프가 미국 대통령... # DEPLORABLE = 개탄스러운 힐러리 클린턴이 "개탄스럽다"는 의미로 사용한 단어는... She used the word “deplorable,” to describe people who would soon... Deplorable, was being kind. I have many other words for such people, and... ON AMAZINGLY DEPLORABLE AMERICA! THIS AUTHOR DOES NOT FEEL ANY PRIDE AS FACING THE AMAZINGLY REPULSIVE AND DEPLORABLE AMERICA FOR SURE! AFTER THE TWO... 문 대통령의 “개탄스럽다”는 발언을 통역은 “deplorable”이라는 단어로... 트럼프 대통령이 ‘deplorable’는 표현에 각별한 반응을 보인 것은 이 단어가... 미국?영국 [d?


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